Fraud Blocker Tar and Chip Driveways | Richard Diehl Paving
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Tar and Chip

Low Cost Driveway

Tar and chip is a low cost alternative compared to a complete asphalt replacement driveway, but much more effective and aesthetic compared to plain gravel or dirt.

However, just like any type of driveway there are maintenance requirements but they are very minimal. Unlike an asphalt driveway you don’t have to seal a tar and chip driveway regularly, but snow plowing the driveway can damage the surface if not done properly. You can expect a tar and chip driveway to last roughly 7 to 10 years, at which point you would want to add another layer or stone and tar.

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Steps to completion:

  1. We spray a hot asphalt emulsion as an adhesive

  2. Then place a small stone gravel on top of the old blacktop

  3. After the gravel is placed we compact with a roller

However, tar and chip can be applied several different ways like over an existing blacktop driveway or road. Or, if there is not an existing blacktop base currently we would apply a large stone gravel that allows for the small gravel to lock in place with the tar. The customer can also choose between different colors of gravel (stone) to create a look that best suits their taste.

Call Richard Diehl Today

Not all paving contractors have the experience needed to install a tar and chip driveway effectively. Richard Diehl Paving & Sons has completed many of this type of job and can be trusted to do the job right the first time.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to see if tar and chip is the right choice for you.

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My business is very personal to me. If I see a customer outside of work, I can walk up and shake hands confidently, knowing I did my best for them. Whether your needs are residential or commercial, Richard Diehl Paving & Sons will provide its reputation." -- Richard Diehl

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